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Black and White series China 2010-2011 | 黑白画2010-2011年

4 Sep

Okee-dokie. Here’s a few of the paintings which I deem presentable. I painted these using Chinese black ink on rice paper, used a bamboo brush and everything.
I painted these during the year plus period I stayed and studied in China. All are portraits of a sort and figurative. Some were wrought from an Oral History project I was attached to while in JiangXi Province. Some were from my own musings about Chinese strategy games. Some were still from people who affected me.

I would either take pictures then sketch drawings from those pictures before painting, or I would sketch from life and then use the sketches as reference when painting. My goal was to explore a free-form, plein-air feeling. I wanted to paint from memory and feeling while exploring technique rather than trying to emulate and capture a picture exactly.

Enjoy ’em, critique ’em. These will appear in my applications and graduate portfolio, so I care what you “laymen” have to say. 😛

Sweet Margot – Beijing 2010

Smoking Korean Girl – Beijing 2011

Old Red Guard – Jiangxi 2010

New Friends – Ji’an 2010

Man with Hair – Jiangxi 2010

Mandy Cha – Ji’an 2010

Indecision – Beijing 2010

Colleague – Beijing 2010

Céline GungFu – TianTan 2011

men playing cards
Living in the Past – Ji’an 2010

3 or more Play Pai – Ji’an 2010