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Nonsensical Sustenance; ‘Pet Milk’ Art Show

26 Nov
I went to a community Art Show, Pet Milk, just this past weekend. It was engineered by local artists and local artists exhibited their local art. The show took place at Art’s Place, an Lexington-antique, red brick building located down town, right off of Mill Street & Church. $5 cover charge provided on-lookers a neat little paperback poetry book and a CD with no song or artist titles. What was so special about this art show?

The mere fact an art show, seen by such a magnitude of patrons (~300 people is my guess), not only existed, but thrived, outside the stealy grasp of LexArts shoots signal flares to me. That this paragon break through for our meager Lexington artist “community” was fashioned by non-business people, it was dreamed up a little under a year ago by Miss Kelli Burton (here for juicy details), serves me up some very refreshing hope as to the, hopefully, growing integrity of our culture.

Then again, I had a few problems with the show. Mostly, mainly, certainly, I failed to notice any constructive criticism being had. Granted, I suppose my approach here leans towards pessimism or plain devil’s advocate. However, I have noticed a lacking in prudish, high brow, art critique when attacking, I mean, attending Gallery Hop, or any other Fine Art

Just once, or twice, would I enjoy to exhibition in Lexington. spie some pedagogue-like bastard preaching to a small group of his greasy cohorts about a series’ lack of perspective or Post-Modern prospects, for god’s sake! The community could use some bad with our good.
I believe Lexington’s music and theatrical scenes receive a healthy supply of yea-saying and nay-saying – the phenomenon falls short on Fine Art for some reason.

I am glad the Herald Leader covered it, though I did not see those shifty-eyed photographers anywhere.